Get your kids to be in shape

Here's how you can keep your kids healthy and in shape.

Today fitness is of utmost importance no matter how old you are. And the younger you start, the better it is. With childhood obesity numbers increasing at an alarming rate, parents need to be more vigilant about their child's weight. That, of course, doesn't mean that you enroll your child to the nearest gym. However, make sure that your kid gets enough physical exercise to keep them fit and healthy.

With the onslaught of video games, television and the Internet, as well as academic pressure, most kids avoid going out to play or indulge in physically demanding activities. Here's what you can do to make your child more fit by following these simple health  tips that will maintain their fitness levels...

Remember the popular saying, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?' It couldn't be more true with kids. Encourage your child to play and participate in outdoor activities rather than sitting at home watching the idiot box. If your building or society doesn't have a compound, try to make a weekly trip to a garden. Regular play is enough for a child to be physically fit.

It is important that kids are health conscious from an early age. A healthy diet is essential for the child to compensate for the strenuous effort that could deter their physical fitness. Make your child consume essential nutrients in their meals. There are plenty of recipes available today that can make even the most disliked vegetables taste yummy.

Boredom is a common phenomenon among kids due to their fluctuating interest levels. Hence, it is important to add variety in their physical activities. If your child goes cycling everyday, add some variation to it by changing the cycling track or the bike itself. You could also involve family members for a fun day of cycling.

Children like to hang around with friends even more than adults. And the more the merrier. Organise regular picnics with your child's group of friends and their parents where each parent can take the kids out once every few days. Think of fun filled activities that involve physical movement, too. Children will automatically engage in games when friends are around. This is among the easiest and best ways to ensure fitness in children.

Nobody loves snacking as much as children. They indulge in snacks more often than proper meals so it is advisable to opt for healthy and nutritious snacks. Make sure you prepare these snacks in different and innovative ways that makes the child enjoy what he/ she eats.

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