Skincare Tips for Oily and Dry Skin

When it comes to skincare, we take plenty enough time to see that it is moisturized and nourished well.

There are many products available in the market and using all these products makes our skin either dry or oily. This in turn is bad for our skin.

These beauty tips will help you to look attractive and glowing and give you the suitable skincare you need based on the type of skin you have.

Oily Skincare

1. To apply makeup on oily skin you have to use a non-greasy liquid cleaner to clean your face.

2. Apply a mixture of grapes, lemon and egg white. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. While lemon acts as a natural cleanser, grapes will soften your skin and egg whites will tighten it.

3. Using a light moisturizer during the day is good for the skincare.

4. It is advisable to scrub your face twice daily with a suitable scrub pack. Use a face scrub specially made for oily skin.

5. Massage your face with a good nourishing cream every morning.

6. Thin apple slices rubbed onto oily skin will help in controlling oily shine.

Dry Skincare

1. Soaps can be drying. Stick with a creamy moisturizing cleanser that contains glycerin, mild face soap is essential.

2. Apply a good non-drying cream, which is rich in vitamins, before you go to bed. This will help the skin in replacing the grease that was lost during the day.

3. With a skin toning lotion, tone your skin every day.

4. Hot water robs skin of moisture causing dry skin, so it's best to shower in lukewarm water.

5. Use a water face pack every morning and evening.

6. Scrub your face daily with a light face scrub.

7. If you've ever had horribly dry, chapped lips, chances are good you've got a constant supply of lip balm in every location possible.

Eat a healthy diet which should include lot of fruits, vegetables in the form of salads and fresh juices. Use honey instead of sugar for juices. Avoid eating junk food which is not only bad for your skin but also for your health. Do not eat fried foods.

Keeping these tips in mind, make sure that you take care of your skin and treat it with grace and attentive care. It is important that you use the right type of product for your skin.

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