Getting Rid of Adult Acne

Adult acne is certainly an unlikable thing to have, especially if you are a woman and care about how you look. If you are well above the teen age and all of a sudden start developing blackheads and blemishes on your face, which do not want to go away no matter how cautious you are about your personal hygiene, read the following essentials on what causes adult acne and what you can do to get rid of it.

What makes more than 50 millions of adults in the States (the majority of those are women) develop middle-age acne, while it is still an odd condition in more traditional societies? The answer is definitely in our developed lifestyle, bad dietary preferences, and intense environmental pollution. The basic causes are the following:

1. Bad diet is number one reason of adult-onset acne. Bad diet, which robs us of necessary nutrients and disrupts both digestive ecosystem and healthy hormonal steadiness, generally consists of the following:

- Overconsumption (more than 100 grams a day) of carbohydrates, particularly in the form of processed breads, sugar, pastas, sweets, soda, etc., which stimulates insulin production and sternly worsens acne condition.

- Giving preference to new vegetable oils, margarines, and Trans fats in processed foods, instead of eating usual animal fats with antimicrobial and hormone-stabilizing properties (coconut and marine oils, natural butter, etc.)

- Eating non-organic meats and dairy products, which contain a big amount of remaining hormones and other medication that are fed to the livestock on a regular basis. Consumption of such contaminated products is especially unsafe for women, because female hormones are very sensitive and can easily get out of balance due to foreign synthetic medication in the food. In time, this bad diet manifests as PMS, pregnancy complications, pathological menopause and adult acne.

- eating mostly dead, cooked and processed foods which do not endow with friendly bacteria for the digestive tract. It’s interesting to note that women, who frequently eat natural yogurt and home-made pickles, rarely suffer from adult acne.

2. Hormones which easily get out of balance due to unsuitable food, stress, birth control pills, and changes brought by the monthly cycle, menopause and pregnancy.

4. Synthetic face care products and makeup, which clog up the pores and interrupt the acid-alkaline balance of the face skin. Needless to say that if you want to have a clean skin, you should always opt for natural and home made creams and other beauty products for your face.

What are the solutions?

Change your diet, use the best skin care products and be patient – your body will need some time to refurbish the balance and cure your skin. A great natural approach to treating adult acne is described here.

However, if you want immediate results, you can try some of numerous acne medications (which usually just mask the symptoms and which I therefore do not recommend). Top acne treatment products can be found at Chemist Direct - Acne Skincare Products.

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